Aboriginal Environments Research Centre

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Ballera to Mt Isa Gas Pipeline and Miscellaneous Transport Infrastructure Corridor Project

During the period 1993-1997, Paul Memmott & Associates acted as Principal Cultural Heritage Consultant on the Ballera (Coopers Creek) to Mt Isa gas pipeline and Miscellaneous Transport Infrastructure Corridor (MTIC) Project - [850 kms in length]. This project involved extensive consultation and liaison with a number of Land Councils and Traditional Owners in the area, including the North-West QLD Land Council.

  • Desk-top studies of known cultural heritage data
  • Development of contract structures and budgets, and drafting of contracts engaging local Aboriginal land councils, anthropologists, archaeologists and Aboriginal monitors to conduct different segments of cultural heritage work along the devised route
  • Contract administration for the Cultural Heritage Survey of the route north from Farrars Creek (approx. 550 kms)
  • Weekly liaison, co-ordination and advice to multiple government departments, the gas company and other mining companies involved along the route.
  • Social Impact Study on the effects of installation and operation of gas pipeline on Aboriginal communities.
  • Production of integrated Cultural Heritage findings reports. Drafting of Cultural Heritage Management Plan for construction and operation of MTIC.
  • Assistance to Crown Law and Aboriginal Agencies on negotiating with Aboriginal objectors to the acquisition of the MTIC.
  • Conceptualisation and formulation of the United Cultural Management Committee that was made up of Traditional Owner representatives and land councils involved along the route and was conceived as a cultural heritage liaison body for the life of the Corrid
  • The completion of three Cultural Heritage Audits during the pipeline construction process and participation in the negotiation of grievances between the construction company and Aboriginal groups and their consultants.
  • Complete
  • 1993 to 1997
Project Contacts
Partners & Funding Details
    Funding Body: 
  • CMPS & F Consultants