Anyinginyi Health is committed to strengthening and supporting Indigenous individuals, families and communities to improve their health and social wellbeing.
This consultancy project focuses on the current and future operations of the Piliyintinji-ki (Stronger Families) Section of Anyinginyi which provides programs and projects in the areas of, but not limited to:
Women’s and Men’s capacity building
Individual, Family and Community and Domestic Violence
Prisoner support and rehabilitation
Mental Health Counselling
Men’s Steering Committee management
Youth and young Adults mentoring, counselling
Child protection and welfare
Sexual Abuse
Anyinginyi Health is funded by the Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaCSIA) to implement the Yapakurlangu Family Violence Regional Activities Program (FVRAP). FVRAP provides funding on a yearly basis to projects that are activities, services, initiatives or strategies aimed at reducing or preventing Indigenous family violence or sexual abuse, and promoting child protection in Indigenous communities.
A major objective of the consultancy is the transfer of consultant’s skills and knowledge to building the capacity of the Piliyintinji-ki staff to meet the requirements of the FVRAP program’s funding criteria.
PMA will assist the organisation to identify strategies to overcome existing barriers to achieving the objectives of the FVRAP program and to work with Anyinginyi Health to develop proposals for phased program implementation throughout the region.
In conjunction with Piliyintinji-ki Staff, PMA will lead a consultation process with Yapakurlangu FVRAP key stakeholders including selected Aboriginal community members, local representatives of government and other non-government services providers, to identify (i) existing community issues, projects, strategies, resources and strengths existing and (ii) cross-sector projects, strategies, resources and strengths to which the Yapakurlangu FVRAP can be linked in order to develop grassroots solutions to family violence.
The workshop outcomes will result in an upgrade of the documentation for the Barkly FVRAP including objectives, activities, outputs and inputs as well documented proposals for future activities. The production of these documents will be done by Piliyintinji-ki and PMA staff.
PMA will assist Piliyintinji-ki staff and local community members to develop Pilot Community Plans to prevent and or intervene in violent behavour.