Aboriginal Environments Research Centre

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Social Planning & Violence - Exemplar Technical Reports

“Evaluation Report of National Indigenous Family Violence Grants Programme of the Office of the Status of Women.” 

“Interim Emerging Good Practice Report, Round 03 of the Mentoring and Evaluation Scheme for the National Indigenous Family Violence Grants Programme (NIFVGP).” Report prepared for the Commonwealth Office of the Status of Women, Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.

“Community Strength Indicators and Measures Project – Phase 2: Indigenous Pilot Study Findings.” Report prepared for the Commonwealth Department of Family and Community Services, in association with the Social and Economic Research Centre, UQ.

“Chapter 7: Indigenous Community Survey – Measures of Community Strength” in Assessing Community Strength – A Proposed Set of Indicators and Measures. Report prepared in association with The Social and Economic Research Centre (SERC) at UQ, for the Department of Family and Community Services.

"The 'Long Grassers': A Strategic Report on Indigenous 'Itinerants' in the Darwin and Palmerston Area." Three Volumes prepared for Territory Housing, Territory Health Services and ATSIC.

"Violence in Indigenous Communities Discussion Paper." Prepared for National Crime Prevention Unit in the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Dept. 

"Indigenous Family Violence Summary Research Report: To accompany the Round Table on Family Violence Findings." Prepared for The Hon. John Heron, Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs to present to The Ministerial Council for ATSI Affairs, Canberra. 

"Social Impact Study of the Proposed Century Mine Project on the Aboriginal people of Normanton and Surrounds." Prepared for Bynoe Community Advancement Co-op, Normanton.

"Woorabinda Alcohol and Drug Abuse Corporation Strategic Plan." Prepared for the Wonjaworra Centre, Woorabinda. 

"Mwere Anetyeke Mparntwele (Sitting Down Good in Alice Springs)." Annual Report for Tangentyere Council's 1992 Social Behaviour Project.

"The Social Organisation of the Alice Springs Aboriginal Town Camps." 'Proof of Evidence' prepared for the Tangentyere Rate Case.

"Alice Springs Regional Plan - Volumes 1 to 7." Prepared for ATSIC Regional Office, Alice Springs. 

"Regional Planning Framework Report for the Alice Springs ATSIC Regional Council." Prepared for ATSIC Regional Office, Alice Springs. 

"Queensland Aboriginal Cultures and the Deaths in Custody Victims". In Wyvill, L., Commissioner, Royal Commission into Deaths in Custody Regional Report of Inquiry in Queensland, Appendix 2, pp. 171-289.

"Social Planning Report for Anthelke Ewlpaye (Charles Creek) Town Camp, Alice Springs (with reference to Lhenpe Artwne Camp)." Prepared for Tangentyere Council.

"Report on Social Conditions of Aboriginal Campers in the Todd River and other Public Places in Alice Springs." Prepared for Tangentyere Council.

"Aboriginal Identity Systems in Queensland." Chapter for the Queensland Regional Report of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody.

"Aboriginal Culture, Social Problems and the Deaths in Custody Victims." Chapter for the Queensland Regional Report of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody.

"Social Planning Report for Akngwertnarra (Morris Soak) Town Camp, Alice Springs (with further notes on Anhelke [Namatjira's] Camp)." [Prepared for Tangentyere Council.]